Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Compulsive Seduction at Sahaj Marg

Translation of an article by Alexis: "Seduction Compulsive au Sahaj Marg",  on Elodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

April 29, 2015  

Compulsive Seduction at  Sahaj Marg
After the Natural Path Meditation on after the makeover of the home page of, here is a step closer to a sanitized presentation of Sahaj Marg and the Shri Ram Chandra Mssion (SRCM) .
As Michael (ex-preceptor - See: Inner Circle of SRCM) said about the Natural Path Meditation, the SRCM understands that people are attracted to spirituality, but that they find gurus scary. 

Here, one finds no mention of a Master or a Guru, no mention of Sahaj Marg or of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission  (SRCM) (except in the trailer, where we find that: Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation Inc. is at the origin of this new website).

Here is a Small Exerpt:

Heartfulness, a spiritual adventure 
Learn to Meditate with the help of yogic transmission  
Experience the beauty of the heart 
 Experience Heartfulness  
The Way of Experience

Here, everything is based on aesthetics: beautiful pictures and some good evocative words with neat calligraphy. Sleek site for the pleasure of the eye and/or the senses! Everything must attract, nothing should "put one off" ... 

There are links to all the social networks! And of course, a whole stack of appointments (rendez-vous?)  whereby one can discover this "new" (and "unique"??) spiritual adventure.

Kamlesh Patel has enhanced the preceptors' field of expertise, in order for them to be able to welcome all newcomers. SRCM has spread its nets and dropped its hooks in the hope that the fishing will be good ...


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Opinion: Alexis in a Pact (Colludes?) with Patel?

Translation of an article by Alexis: Opinion: Alexis Pactise Avec Patel?, on Élodie's blog in Europe: Pour Que Vive Le Sahaj Marg.

April 16, 2015

Opinion: Alexis in a Pact (Colludes?) with Patel?

Élodie said: A confusing message from Alexis. Surprising and amazing for him. Feel free to respond.

For me, it seems a little early to see real change. And it is to forget a lot of the foundations of Sahaj Marg which carry in themselves the drifting which they generate.

Patel: A Discourse of Change?

Almost 4 months since Chari passed away, nearly 4 months since Patel is in charge.

Finished (is) the obedience and the service, finished the great lessons, the criticism, the arrogance and the aggression. The speech of the "giver of lessons", Chari, have gone by the wayside.

Patel's speeches are of quite another kind. The attitude has changed, the man speaks in a more simple and soothing fashion, humbly.  It is clear that Patel has radically transformed the speeches of Sahaj Marg. This is much more like the idea that I have of spirituality.

Hopefully it is not simply posturing, but a deep and lasting change.
Obviously, the attitude of one man will not completely transform the SRCM and Sahaj Marg, but we can already welcome this progress.

Too bad Patel has not yet distanced himself from the spiritualism of the mediums of Whispers (from the Brighter World).

